Everyone’s favorite firesale tablet is still going strong, at least as far as developers and modders are concerned. The HP TouchPad got a port of CyanogenMod 9 ice cream sandwich just a few weeks ago, and the progress made thus far is impressive to say the least. While still in Alpha, the ROM build has graduated to Alpha 0.6, with a number of additions to the stability and user interface of Android. Adventurous flashers can download the build from RootzWiki now, and install it normally through Clockwork Mod Recovery.
The biggest changes to the software have been made in the alert area, which is now scrollable. Tap the clock and the familiar quick info screen pops up. Tap it again and you’ve got access to a bevvy of quick settings, some of them stock and some of them added in by the CyanogenMod team. The CM settings section that long-time users will be familiar with is now embedded into the main settings menu, though most of the options are still left blank. One important change (especially if you still use the default WebOS software with any regularity) is the expanded reboot menu, which now allows you to go to the OS selection screen or Clockwork Mod from the ROM itself.
Here’s a look at Alpha 0.6 from YouTube user RolandDeschain79.
There’s still a lot of work to be done – this isn’t anywhere near finished enough to be your daily driver. The biggest missing features at the moment are the camera function and video acceleration, which means that apps like Netflix, HBO GO and the HD videos in the YouTube app won’t work. But thrifty modders live and breathe this stuff, so I’m sure that more than a few of you aren’t even reading this and have already started downloading the ROM. Happy flashing!
Just using touch pad with latest cyanogenmod
while I’m writing this- awesome.Poor HP , good hardware here, but they missed the software….luckily we have cyanogenmod crew! Kudos
my buddy’s step-mother makes $67 an hour on the ìnternet. She has been ùnemployed for 5 months but last month her pay was $8801 just working on the internet for a few hourś. Here’s the site to read more… LazyCash5.Ĉom
Nice but Netflix and email not working… I switched back to 7
hey man which build should I downgrade to because I don’t like the 9 since it cranes so much…I’ve been wanting to downgrade but don’t know which build works completely. Please tell me
You guys should read how to properly install it. It is much more stable than CM7. Video acceleration, mic, and camera don’t work otherwise it’s better in every way. Email DOES work. Have you used acmeinstaller2? Updated Gapps?
What gapps version should be installed? I find so many gapps versions for cm9 ics. Is gapps_fixer also req?
try xron its much much better
I am wanting a tablet to read and also audio books plus play my beta games from facebook. Is this even possible on any tablet? I don’t much surfing. Mainly want for trips and lunch hours. As you can tell I am not very computer savvy
I do stuff because I can, but I don’t get the android over webos at this point. Since I have only 16gb should I bother with this what can I do that webos can’t.
ICS on the TouchPad is slick, butter-smooth The UI is stunning. You will look at your device in whole different light, in my opinion it is much better as an Android device (despite CM9 being an alpha build). Of course the apps are a no-brainer too.
my roomate’s step-moţher makes $67/hour on the laptop. She has been without work for 5 months but last month her pay was $7406 just working on the laptop for a few hours. Read more on this web site… LazỳCasĥ5.Čom
my friend’s aunt makes $76/hour on the laptop. She has been without work for 10 months but last month her paycheck was $9030 just working on the laptop for a few hours. Go to this web site ànd read more… LâzyCãsh5.Čom
Battery life is horrible with this release.
my best friend’s half-sister makes $87/hr on the laptop. She has beèn out of a job for 9 months but last month her pay was $7791 just working on the laptop for a few hours. Rêad more here… LazyCash5.çom
my neighbor’s sister-in-law makes $76/hour on the compuţer. She has been out oƒa job for 7 months but last month her income was $7183 just working on the computeŕ for a few hours. Read more hëre… ĽazyCasħ5.Ćom
If Install this build can reset back to facory setting somehow easily?