Remaining fans and users of BlackBerry‘s messaging service might not have to wait much longer as the BBM app for Android slowly makes its way into the hands of beta testers. One such tester even uploaded a video demonstrating the look and feel of the app.
Some might says it’s too little too late for BlackBerry to make any substantial dent in the market. But that has not fazed the company from trying to push out its BBM service to a larger audience by providing a BBM app for Android to attract new users. But the app is still nowhere in sight, months after the rumored release.
News about the app came back to life last week, when a leaked video revealed BlackBerry’s marketing efforts to spread word about BBM for Android in other markets such as South Africa. A landing page has also showed up on BlackBerry’s site, suggesting that the announcement will be happening real soon. Word has gotten out that users who signed up for the beta testing program have received copies of the app, which can be seen in action in the video below.
Old BBM users will be familiar with the interface, while new users might be wondering what it is really all about. With BlackBerry reported to be mulling over splitting itself and selling off its various parts, what we could be seeing is instead the birth of an independent messaging service like Viber and WhatsApp.
SOURCE: BlackBerryOS
VIA: CrackBerry
At this point the party is over…
Facebook messenger is the new BBM like it or not. Nice try but like AOL instant messenger this too will fade.
Not sure I agree. BBM is much more robust in features and performance than ANY cross platform messaging app. In addition to basic contact messaging, the groups feature is a full fledged mini collaboration area where you not only have group chats and share pics&video but also task lists and calendar events just for that group. BBM Video & BBM Voice (coming later in the fall) is real-time two-way bandwidth video conferencing unlike the sequential and choppy Skype without having to leave the chat screen. BBM screen share is crazy…you can have someone on another phone watch what your are doing on your phone.
With BBM you get these message notifications:
Check mark – Message has been sent to server
Check mark with letter D – Message has been delivered to chat partner’s phone
Check mark with letter R – Message has been READ by chat partner