Late last week, we told you about some Dutch humor artists who fooled some Apple fanboys, showing them supposedly the new iOS9 but it actually was Android installed on an iPhone. While it may seem ridiculous to have Android on an iOS device, it’s not looking as impossible now, only it’s the other way around. Apple is apparently hiring Android software engineers, and people are speculating that more iOS apps will be coming to Android soon.
The job ad isn’t some internal document leaked. It is actually posted on the Apple website, enticing software engineers to help them “bring exciting new mobile products to the Android platform”. So this isn’t a joke but a very real possibility that someday we’ll be seeing Apple apps on your Android smartphones and tablets. But as to what these apps will be, that is still up for speculation.
What we do know is that Apple Music will be arriving on Android devices sometime this fall. They will also be introducing Move to iOS app for those who are on the other platform move to Apple products, which is sometimes a very complicated process. As to what else will be coming, it could be anything from iCloud, to an email app, to Safari, to iWork, and maybe even Siri (although that last one may be highly unlikely).
Apple coming to Android is not a sign that the former has already given up and is conceding to the latter. In fact, it might be a smart move as there are a lot more Android devices out there, particularly in developing markets like China, India, Brazil. Also, it might even be a way to convert Android users over to the other side. Now let’s see how many software developers will take the bait.
VIA: Beta News