Back in 2017, Android introduced the zero-touch enrollment that delivered seamless and secure device rollouts. It was the start of something that has so far benefitted over 300 global resellers with the scaled deployment of Android devices. More partners will be added to the list as the Android team is expanding availability. The goal has always been the same: to have mobile devices deployed in one go secured and well-managed. The system has proven to be convenient for everyone as it is easy to use.
Some partners of Google that have utilized the system shared their positive experiences. O2 Care Services’ Director of Information Systems said: “With zero-touch enrollment, our IT team enrolls and configures devices quickly — they’re ready for use with the right apps right out of the box. This process has shaved thousands of hours off of our device setup time when compared to our previous management mode, freeing up our admins to focus on other strategic tasks to support our teams.”
The Android Enterprise team is proud to announce that it’s been expanding zero-touch to all Android devices running at least Android 9.0. The goal has always been to help organizations and companies streamline management experience. With this expansion, we can be certain more consumers will benefit from the feature.
A simple Google Play Services update will bring zero-touch to those Android 9.0+ devices. Samsung phones will also get zero-touch but you are still free to use the Samsung Knox Mobile Enrollment.
Zero-touch can be integrated into a company’s existing enterprise mobility management (EMM) solution. You can link accounts to configure and manage devices from within a a console. No need for a zero-touch portal.
The update also brings enhancements. It takes out friction from device configuration. Zero-touch will be coming to resellers soon. Some EMM partners have already started to integrate zero-touch to consoles.