When developers put a feature on the app that might lead to misunderstandings between loved ones or even just basic users, you might begin to wonder what they were thinking of by putting it there in the first place. Facebook has one and now Instagram added the same. People can now see when a user was “last active”, which can be problematic for some people. But while the activity status feature is already there, you can still do something about it by disabling it.

If you don’t know what we’re talking about, Instagram has rolled out a new feature that will show your followers/contacts when you were last active on the app or if you’re currently active. While it may seem useful if you’re tracking someone (in a non-stalker way we hope), without context, it can lead to issues if someone who sends you a DM that you didn’t respond to sees you are still currently active.

If you don’t want to have those kinds of issues, then just go to the Instagram app’s settings menu, go to the “Show Activity Status” part and then toggle the switch to off. It’s that simple. While it’s annoying that they have an activity status feature in the first place, at least they’re giving you an opt-out option and you won’t have to spend so much time explaining why you haven’t replied to that message when you’re so obviously “active”.

Hopefully, Instagram’s next new features will be something nicer like that native “regram” feature we’ve been waiting for so long now.

VIA: SlashGear


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