There are a lot of live wallpaper apps out there but if you’re a Samsung user and you prefer to have them a bit more customizable and creative, the Samsung Wonderland is a nifty one to have. It is part of the Good Lock module and is a free app that lets you add parallax effects and other customizable features among other things to your wallpaper. You can choose to create something from scratch or use any of their preloaded templates.
Some people consider wallpapers to be non-essential to their mobile life while some take adding and changing wallpapers pretty seriously. If you’re the latter, the Wonderland app, probably named after Alice’s adventures in that place, is something that should interest you. It’s part of Samsung’s Good Lock module that lets you bring some interesting and functional apps to your Samsung smartphone.
XDA Developers says Wonderland will let you create a moving wallpaper based on the base image that you will choose. If you don’t have any image in mind, there are also some preloaded templates you can work on. You can then apply some motion and particle effects on top of it and it should be able to give you some pretty unique live wallpapers. In case you want to be sure it will look good, you can Preview it first before applying it.
The only permission you’ll need once you install the app is to let it access your Storage. This is because it will need to access the images that are store on your device if you prefer to use any of them as your base image. It is also limited for know to English and Korean languages but hopefully they’ll be adding more eventually. This app is of course a minor thing but fun to have.
You can download Wonderland version from the Samsung Galaxy Store. You will need to have the Good Lock suite as well but in case of regional restrictions, you can also install NiceLock and eventually get a notification that Wonderland is now available there.