Android is a very popular operating system for DIY sorts looking to build their latest electronics project. Many these projects involve little developer boards that put all the hardware and other connectivity options and features you need into one small footprint. A new device has turned up that can run the Android operating system called the UDOO Mini PC.
The device is a bit of the combination between the Raspberry Pi and an Arduino board. The single board is Arduino-compatible and features a faster processor than the Raspberry Pi offers. The board supports both Android and Linux operating systems.
Hardware features for the board include a Freescale i.MX6 ARM Cortex-A9 processor with 1 GB of RAM. The board will support any Arduino shields that are supported by the Arduino Due. The UDOO has a microSD card slot for storage, a gigabit ethernet port, integrated Wi-Fi, and audio output ports.
It also features two USB ports, a pair of mini USB ports, and an HDMI output. The board measures 11 cm x 8.5 cm and a dual-core version is available for $109 with a quad-core version also featuring SATA connectivity available for $129. The project is currently on Kickstarter.
[via Geeky-Gadgets]
Wow, this is exactly what I’ve been looking for. Up till now I’ve been connecting my Android phone to my Arduino device via a USB shield. This is awesome!!!
I Need one!