You’ve probably played a number of mobile and desktop games similar to Terminal Velocity but I guarantee this game will blow your mind. Well, don’t expect any stunning and crisp graphics because quality is VGA only but at least it’s no longer pixelized. You see, we’re actually getting tired of pixel-art graphics already and maybe super VGA graphics can be refreshing for the tired eyes–or not.
In Terminal Velocity, you are an Ares Squadron pilot tasked to fly the dangerous and speedy aircrafts in the world. You’re a fighter with a mission and called to help in saving the Earth that’s been so helpless against the armadas from other systems. You’re in the far future, in a world where the lucky few like you can survive.
Flying the TV-202, you need to prove that you can handle the aircraft that is expected to be better than TV-201. It’s up to you now to show the world that you’re a fighter pilot, a survivor, and a hero all rolled into one. It can be quite a challenge because you have a lot of enemies going after you. It’s always been that way–you’re outmanned and outnumbered. There’s nothing you can do but be brave and blow up stuff in the faces of your enemies.
If you feel and think this game is something like the game Terminal Reality from decades ago, you’re right, this combat game is based on the said title from 1994. Actually, it’s the same Terminal Velocity game released by developer 3D Realms for MacSoft,Windows 95, and MS-DOS in the mid90’s. Terminal Velocity is officially licensed from Terminal Reality so if you’re a fan of the latter, you’re in for a treat.
Download Terminal Velocity from the Google Play Store