Telegram is regularly updated although we know it’s being questioned at times. We believe it is secure and remains private but there are still restrictions. Just a couple of weeks ago, Telegram updated the Voice Chats and were made available in channels. It also recently added auto-delete to all chats, home screen widgets, and invite links. In the beginning of the year, the app actually surprised the market as it gained 25 million new users within 72 hours of three days.
The latest we heard about the popular messaging app is that direct download is now ready. This means you can download the app outside the Play Store and be able to install it directly on the device.
The newer version has some advantages. It will offer automatic updates and fewer restrictions. It’s a slightly different version that aims to be less restricted by Google. Apparently, some channels are being blocked on Telegram by Google. There is no confirmation but that’s what some redditors are saying.
If you happened to see this message before, then you know what we’re saying: “Unfortunately, this channel can’t be displayed on Telegram apps downloaded from the Google Play Store.”
It’s not really bad to block channels. Google still has the right especially if those are radical ones or are hate groups. Such may be restricted but people are saying it’s not Google’s job to offer the restrictions. Telegram is supposed to decide on that.
Telegram is popular for its privacy. The rumored restrictions may not be good for many people and even Telegram. Check HERE to know how you can install the Telegram .APK directly from the website.