Telegram is making instant messaging more fun than ever. The communication app which has seen a number of versions already is getting another update after adding the inline bots and improved GIFs only last month. This time, Telegram’s voice messaging feature gets a new interface with waveform visualizations. The update also brings a raise-to-speak function plus a new player for a more efficient communication.
Multi-tasking is taken to a new level as you can quickly switch and use another app while listening to a voice message. That means audio can play in the background while you are checking social media apps, reading an email, browsing through your recent photos, or taking down notes. You can do anything while the message plays.
For conversations that are more private and secure, this Telegram app relies on end-to-end encryption and self-destruct timers. The secret chats will make sure nobody else reads your conversations. It’s ideal to use especially if you need to send sensitive and confidential information but don’t want to use an email for reasons it may be hacked or compromised. The secret chat will also include the app’s standard features like photo and video captions, inline bots, GIFs, replies, and sticker sharing.
The experimental raise-to-speak and raise-to-listen lets you record and listen to voice messages. Just raise the phone near your ear to make a new record or listen to one. Meanwhile, there’s a new photo editor you can use to make simple edits like face, tint, curve, and rotate with appropriate tools. As for the privacy settings, you can now control who can add you to channels and private groups.
Download Telegram from the Google Play Store
SOURCE: Telegram