If you’re a fan of messaging app Telegram and you love sending stuff other than actual text messages to your friends, then you’ll probably be happy with the new update that they’re bringing to the app. You don’t have to create a new chat window just to access those bots that can bring you pictures, videos, other information, GIFS, etc. And speaking of GIFs, the app has now improved the quality and speed of access to those things that are halfway between a picture and a video.
In other contexts, bots are annoying and spammy, but in the Telegram sphere, it is pretty helpful when you’re looking for stuff to send the people you’re talking to. Previously, you have to either add them to your group chat or send them a private message. But now, with the inline mode, you don’t have to do either of those. You just type in the username of the bot you want to access, then put in some keywords and it will bring you relevant content. For example, type in @gif excited, and you probably know what you’re going to see.
And if you love sending GIFs to your chats, you can now do it 20x faster, as per Telegram. That’s because all of the GIFs in their database have been re-encoded to mpeg4 videos and that means it will take up less disk space but with the same quality. And you now have a GIF tab on your sticker panel.
The update to Telegram is already available for current users. If you don’t have it yet and these new features sound appealing to you, you can download it for free from the Google Play Store.