There are more than one million apps on Google Play Store today and the number will only continue to increase and at a very quick rate at that–especially now that Google is expanding the Android ecosystem. What with Android Wear, Android Auto, and Android TV all revved up now plus more Android apps are now running and being ported on Chrome OS, we can expect to see more apps on the store.
Anyone who knows mobile development can easily make an Android app. Think of how you’ll integrate it to other social apps, have the best API coverage, and how it can catch the attention of millions of people, and you can have a bestseller. If you’re lucky and the app has a premium or offers in-app purchase, you could be the next millionaire.
You have to make sure that app is fast. Slow apps will frustrate people. Google’s Android team wants to train more developers by launching a new online training course at Udacity. The course focuses on how to improve Android app performance. According to Googler Reto Meier, the course complements the Android Performance Patterns video series. With these resources, anyone can make faster and smoother experiences for app users.
The particular course was developed by Android Performance expert Colt McAnlis. The material reviews rendering, compute, and battery–the three pillars of performance. There are several tutorials on how to use the tools in Android Studio that will help indentify and fix performance problems.
Aim of the course is to educate Android developers of the common performance problems from application code, OS, and hardware. Learning how to fix performance problems will result to a smoother 60 FPS experience of your app. Remember, apps that load faster won’t turn the geeks away.
The course will run approximately four weeks. You can work at your own pace at least six hours per week. Take the course on Udacity.
SOURCE: Android Developers Blog