TagWhat has just announced the release of their new augmented reality app. This app is social conscious, it allows you to tag certain locations and leave notes about it for your friends. It also allows you to have followers kind of like Twitter does. Once you Tag a location you can include direct action links to email, phone, SMS, photos, URL’s, cross-posting to Twitter, Facebook. This app will also give you directions to your friends aged location so you can go meet up with them. This app has a lot of potential, its currently in beta, qr code is located after the jump with a few videos.
Market Description:
Tagwhat is the world’s only create and share your own augmented reality network. Get your free account today at www.tagwhat.com and join the Tagwhat AR revolution via on-line maps and mobile. Now in private beta only. Share your world.
[via pitchengine]