As mobile carriers are pushing towards 5G technology, others like AT&T have decided to end support for the old 2G network. The company announced recently that it’s discontinuing support for the technology in 2017. One main reason is very obvious–it’s getting old. More people are using 3G and 4G now. 5G is already being tested in several countries by different carriers so there’s a high possibility of 2G being ignored in the near future.
Well, T-Mobile isn’t joining the bandwagon. In fact, it’s taking advantage of the bad news by saying it’s going to continue supporting 2G connectivity until 2010. Naturally, that’s a plus point for the Un-Carrier as T-Mobile may lose some subscribers who are still on 2G.
Believe it or not, it’s not just phones relying on 2G. Some Internet of Things (IoT) products connect via the old tech on 2G networks. We don’t know how many use such but it’s high time that they upgrade. If not the phone- or IoT device-makers, then maybe at least the platforms being used release an update to use whatever 2G-compatible tech or feature can still be utilized.
AT&T will end support for 2G and T-Mobile’s announcement may bring them some new subscribers. Actually, the carrier is already offering IoT customers who switch to T-Mobile free 2G service. The offer plus the free SIM cards are good until the year ends. Offer also includes free data of 50MB of 2G every month per device.
If you’re one of the many customers affected by AT&T’s decision, T-Mobile wants you to reach out to them through their website. Fill out the form and be connected to 2G until 2020. That is, if you are still interested.
VIA: SlashGear