If you’re one of the many that plan to pickup the exciting new Samsung Galaxy S4 when it arrives sometime in April, we have some good news on the typing front. Samsung has so many software features packed into the new flagship device that they forgot to mention the keyboard. Along with Android 4.2 on board, the folks from SwiftKey today have confirmed their technology is at the heart of the Galaxy S4.
Samsung sure had a lot to show us yesterday on stage regarding their new smartphone, and one important feature we all use way too many times a day is the keyboard. Our favorite option for Android, as you all know, is SwiftKey, and today their CTO confirmed the news in a quick blog post. Informing us of their technology being embedded into the Galaxy S4 experience.
“Following our great success with the SwiftKey 4 launch last month, we are excited to confirm that Samsung has chosen SwiftKey’s innovative keyboard technology to be at the heart of its flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S4.” – CTO Ben Medlock
So what exactly does this mean? It means that all the features and amazing technology behind SwiftKey will be powering Samsung’s new device. All the predictive and even next word prediction engines and tweaks in SwiftKey will make the typing experience that much better. It won’t look like the Swiftkey we use and love now full of themes, as Samsung has likely skinned the keyboard to match their UI guidelines.
Basically the heart and brains of the keyboard will be SwiftKey technology in all its goodness. This also ensures the Flow gesture experience from Android 4.2 and SwiftKey 4 will be readily available too. In their open letter the company also took the moment to remind their fans that the keyboard will continue to grow and evolve, and they’ll keep working close with other partners to ensure their technology is in as many smartphones and tablets as possible. Good stuff guys. Keep it up.
[via SwiftKey]
They have been using it since Galaxy S2. Just go into your keyboard settings, predictive text, at the bottom tap on privacy terms and it will lead you to swiftkey’s website.