As the line between smartphone and tablet continue to blur, our needs become confused. We need a keyboard that can adjust, not force us to interact with our devices in a way we don’t want to. The new Swiftkey app may be just what we’re looking for.

Currently in beta, the new Swiftkey 4.3 will bring three modes: full, thumb, and compact. Instead of having different apps which try to decipher which device you want to download it to, and whether or not that app can support your device, Swiftkey is simply packing all their technology into one and letting you decide.

It’s a smart play, too. As the line between devices continues to get muddled by screen sizes and functionality, which keyboard will work best for you may change, and could change often. Perhaps, with your massive Sony Xperia Z Ultra, you have time to sit down and actively hack out an email reply at home. On the go, however, you need to be able to type one-handed. Swiftkey has you covered.

By taking the keyboard away from docking on the bottom of the screen, you’re allowed true freedom to use Swiftkey as you need to. The traditional “full” keyboard is still around for traditionalists, and “thumb” is great for larger devices or landscape mode. If you’re not comfortable with having the keyboard split in two, or find the traditional keyboard difficult to use, try “compact” to dock a keyboard on one side of the screen.

You also have the option to re-size the keyboards, and choose themes. Each can be unlocked and moved around, so the days of having to type from the bottom of the screen are over. While it won’t be for everyone, Swiftkey’s “layouts for living” does make it really easy to get what you need, on any (or all) device.


  1. Kii anybody? o.O

    I’ve used this keyboard exclusively on my Note 2 because of the relocation options. About damn time somebody else realized that screen size can be used for more than just slapping a keyboard all the way across it.


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