Nothing says “holidays” like a maniacally staring robot eye. Maybe that’s just me. In any case, the DROID Incredible 2 is getting tarted up in ruby red, and Verizon customers can pick one up for free with some very specific Black Friday deals. The Incredible 2 and other phones are going on-sale starting on November 24th.
Here’s the skinny as far as online deals go. On November 24th, 25th and 28th, you can order a DROID Incredible 2 from Verizon’s website free, gratis and for nada, assuming you’re eligible for an upgrade or a new contract. On the same days you can get an LG Revolution for $49.99 or a Motorola XOOM for $199.99, again, on-contract. (Nice – probably clearing out some stock to make room for those XYBOARDS.) If you’d prefer to go into a retail store on Black Friday, the 25th, you can pick up the same deal on an Incredible or Revolution, but you’ll have to deal with a $50 mail-in rebate.
Other deals are valid online or in stores between November 24th and 28th. You can get a DROID 3 or the original Samsung Galaxy Tab for $149.99, or the Xperia PLAY for free, all minus a $50 mail-in rebate. Not the greatest of deals, especially on the day of consumer madness that is Black Friday, but if you’re looking for any of these models in particular it could be worth it. Keep in mind that Verizon’s double data deal for smartphones and tablets is still going on.
[via AndroidGuys]