This is good news for all you X10 owners, Sony has just confirmed Android 2.1 for the X10 in Q4. Not only will it get Android 2.1 but it will also receive a few other enhancements. This device is one of the best multimedia Android devices. The X10 Mini and Pro may receive the update shortly after the original.
For those of you that don’t know, UXP is Sony’s custom UI. Most of us know this as Rachael, it is laid on top of Android and gives the X10 family it distinct look. Although it looks really good and performs as advertised, this is the main reason why updates will be delayed. But, this update will bring many cool new features to the X10. Listed below is what you can expect from this update.
Some examples of user benefits that will be included in the UXP upgrade for Xperia™ X10 in Q4 2010 are:
– Upgrade to Android OS version 2.1
– HD video recording as per the same execution as Sony Ericsson Vivaz™
– Wireless home connectivity via DLNA
– Improvements to signature applications Timescape™ and Mediascape to make them even smarter and richerThe upgrade will be made available to consumers through the update service at www.sonyericsson.com
These enhancements are great but 2.1 in Q4? By then most Android devices will be running 2.2 and “Gingerbread” is rumored to be released in Q4. Is Sony trying on purpose to stay behind? Hopefully with the announcement of 2.2 Sony will focus of bring that to the X10 instead of 2.1. Although the X10 has enough processor and ROM, it might not have enough RAM to run 2.2. Sony has botched this device from day one and hopefully they don’t make the same mistakes if they decide to introduce another Android into the market.
[via sony]