With a lot of apps already imitating (and sometimes eve bettering) their most loved features, Snapchat has to find new ways of catching the attention of its users. The latest one they’re introducing is useful for those whose friends have opted to share their location with them. Snap Map is basically what it says it is, a map where you can see your friends’ snaps, wherever they are. It’s a more geo-centric way to discover new restaurants, find out about events happening at the moment, and basically joining your friends where they are, whether digitally or in real life.

So yes, Snap Map is basically a map view where you will be able to see the Actionmoji of your friends who have shared their location to you (or to the rest of the world). You can zoom in and out of the map by the usual way that you pinch and zoom on images on your mobile device. You can look at the whole world map to view your friends who are in different countries or zoom in on your neighborhood and find where everyone is at tonight.

But don’t worry, your location will only appear to people with whom you’re sharing it with. So if you told your mother you’re home sick, you can hide your location from her and just be in Ghost mode. But the snaps you submit to Our Story with your friends can still show up in the Snap Map so be careful.

To be able to use the Snap Map, you need to turn on your location services. The update has rolled out to users so update your app and go and see what your friends all over the world are doing.


SOURCE: Snapchat (1), (2)


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