Samsung has too many patents to track but apparently, there are more to familiarize ourselves with or wait to finally become a reality. This new one is something you can’t ignore because it’s a bit different from the mobile devices, wearables, and other smart home devices we’ve seen in the past. This particular patent published by the USPTO features what seems to be a smart ring.
The patent features an accessory device that is said to be able to control a smartphone, smart TV, or tablet. This ring is also believed to be used possibly with other devices or to work with home automation systems in the near future.
The patent illustration below shows a thick ring, a mobile device, and some circular sensors. We’re assuming those sensors will be found inside the smart ring. The ring can then be “touched” to control some functions. It can be used to control other compatible devices similar as to what a smartwatch can do but with limited features.
The Figure 7C and Figure 9C illustrations below show what seems to be possible ring motions to control different home devices like radio, TV, living room lights, and blings. The arrow on Fig. 7C shows us the possible direction of controlling the ring to access or make a particular device to do something. The counter clockwise rotation could be how the ring should be rotated. Let’s wait and see how Samsung will turn this concept into an actual working device.
VIA: Patently Mobile