One of the worst things that could happen when your computer breaks down (aside from the fact that it has broken down) is actually getting help, either from a service center or calling someone on a hotline, which will lead to your call being passed from one person to another or them being no help at all. But now Samsung wants to help you one step further by offering 24-hour online customer support with their new S Service.
If you don’t like talking to customer service over the phone, then this will probably become your go-to SOS whenever a Samsung device conks out on you. You will be able to connect with a one-on-one service agent through the desktop app, and you won’t even need to pick up or go out of your house just to be able to hopefully solve your problem. The chat-based service can be accessed anywhere as long as you have Internet access of course.
On your computer or laptop, you can download the app and install it. It will work only on Windows 8 and higher OS. After it has been installed, just click on the icon Online Tech Support, input what your problem is as well as your username and then press Request. It will then tell you how long you have to wait and how many other people are waiting. Once you’ve finally connected with a representative, you can then chat away with him/her (or it) about the problem you’re having with your device.
On paper, it’s that easy of course. Let’s just hope that the actual service is just as fast and helpful. And you can also rate the S Service after you’ve done. Now if only they would also have a mobile app for this, that would be even better.
VIA: Samsung
I’m sure that this service will connect users to 3rd world call centers where the chat staff will be frantically looking up answers to the simplest questions in manuals to type in responses. In other words, a complete waste of time.