Virtual reality isn’t just for gaming or “travelling” or watching videos. Web browsing can now be experienced in the virtual realm as made possible by a special Internet browser. The Gear VR web browser is available but it’s not fully ready yet. It’s still on experimental mode so don’t be surprised if you’ll see some bugs and errors that need to be fixed. But while waiting for Samsung to perfect the VR browser, you can try VR with your native web browser.
The Samsung Internet for GearVR 1.0 has een updbated with integration with mobile browser and improved VR video support. This means the usual mobile browsing can become a virtual reality experience. Another addition is the enhanced VR video support so switching from mobile to virtual viewing will be smoother.
Samsung has optimized web browsing for Gear VR and for better integration with other browsers. The devs have used a not-so-new API set so it might still be buggy. Feel free to enable the WebVR by going to internet://webvr-enable<internet://webvr-enable/>. To disable: internet://webvr-disable<internet://webvr-disable/>
The updated Samsung Internet for GearVR also brings support for WebGL. You can take advantage of Video History, Easy Content Access, and Intuitive Text Input. Just like the Samsung Internet for Android, you can also access your bookmarks and tab manager. Import button to bring them to the Samsung Internet for Android to Samsung Internet for Gear VR.
The Video History is a new feature that brings and manages a different history list for online videos. This is a separate list of the old videos you’ve already viewed so you won’t have to find elsewhere when you want to watch some videos again. There’s also the intuitive text input that makes it more bearable to type. Other features include the Gaze Mode for selecting the menu and Bluetooth Device Support for most Galaxy devices.
VIA: Engadget