If you had a Samsung device back when Android was still in its Marshmallow phase, then you are probably familiar with the Good Lock app which they introduced during that period. It allowed users to customize their Samsung UI, especially on the lock screen itself. As we know, the more you can change things to your liking and the easier you can do it, the better. That is why a lot of people prefer Android over the other side. But for some reason, when Nougat rolled out a year later, the app was discontinued. They kept promising to bring it back someday, but they never did. Well, apparently, they have finally fulfilled that promise, at least in their home country.

Screenshots have emerged showing that the Good Lock app is back and looking better than ever. Well, at least, from the screenshots that we’re seeing. The images came from noted leaker Ice Universe and shows the different things that you’ll be able to customize from the app. This includes being able to create routines, task changers, something called Lockstar and Quickstar, and of course changing colors of various aspects of your device. There also seem to be options for Effect, Color, Transparency, Width, etc. You can also supposedly adjust the blocked zones “to prevent unintended touches”, which is a pretty common mistake with devices that have very few bezels.

The app is technically available in South Korea only. But of course some enterprising people already have created APK downloads. However, some who have installed the APK say that not all the features are working. Some devices only show a blank screen when they open the app. Some were able to make some of the features work but not all are fully functional. So maybe they are still only just testing it in the OEMs home country and so installing it elsewhere will not work. For sure though, some will be able to update the APK so we can test it out even if we aren’t in South Korea.

The Good Lock app might also be available once Android P rolls out. We’re still not sure why they pulled it out after Marshmallow but whatever the issue with the update was, it looks like they have finally worked it out, two major updates later. Let’s wait and see for an official announcement from Samsung regarding the availability of this app.

VIA: @IceUniverse, SAM Mobile


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