One of the reasons that services like Facebook are so popular is that you can communicate with your friends and loved ones no matter what device you are own. Samsung has a new cross-platform service called ChatON that will be coming soon and it supports all platforms including tablets, feature phones, PCs, and Bada as well as Android.

The service has lots of features that let users interact and share details. The communication and sharing features allow for the sharing of your schedule, animated messages, movies, location information, and a lot more. The animation message is apparently short video clips you can share. ChatON supports group chats amongst a number of people.

You can also chat directly with Buddies Say and ChatON has an interaction rank, to rank people for the interaction with you. There is also a Trunk that allows you to store files and other content online to share with users. ChatON supports 120 countries and 62 different languages. Do you think there is room for a new chat service?

[via SlashGear]



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