Snapdragon 2100, the smartwatch chipset that the newer Android Wear OS devices carry now, was a big improvement from the 400 processor. But still it was running on outdated technology which cause some frustration with users especially when compared with Apple Watch and Samsung’s Tizen smartwatches. But now Qualcomm says they will be releasing a new and improved platform and chipset that has been redesigned from the ground up along with a lead smartwatch to carry it which should come out later this year.
Unlike the second generation which was a slight and customized upgrade from the original, this third generation will be redesigned from the ground up so that you get a “no-compromises smartwatch experience”. It will have dedicated chips that will focus on the aesthetics and make your device “look pretty” but it will also focus on bringing a better fitness and smartwatch experience. Another concern that will be addressed with the new chipset is better battery life, which we all know Android smartwatches are still struggling with.
According to Pankaj Kedia, Qualcomm’s senior director of wearables, this will be the first time they’ll have “purpose-built chips” and they will be dedicated to use cases. They have been working on this with Google ever since they released the 2100 and all chips will have a standard Bluetooth and WiFi while the fitness and sports-focused ones will of course have GPS. There will also be others that will have LTE.
Unfortunately those are the only details we’ll have for now until Qualcomm is ready to make a formal announcement. This is something that smartwatch owners should look forward to as they promise better products because of this new chipset, including smaller devices and extended battery life.
VIA: Wearable