The Snapdragon 845 is currently Qualcomm’s premium chipset but the company has recently introduced the Snapdragon 700 Mobile Platform Series. Some features of the Snapdragon 800 Mobile Platform Series can be found on the new series including significant camera improvements, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engine, plus the major Qualcomm offerings such as Qualcomm Spectra ISP, Qualcomm Adreno Visual Processing subsystem, Qualcomm Hexagon Vector Processor, and Qualcomm Kryo CPU. These are high tier specs that can now be implemented on affordable, upper mid-range smartphones.
The Snapdragon 700 has been optimized to deliver consumers more features that can normally be experienced using expensive phones. An excellent camera isn’t limited to a premium phone with the SD 700. The Qualcomm AI Engine will soon make “smarter” services while batteries will last longer. Of course, improved performance can also be expected with the new mobile processor. It follows the Snapdragon 660 mobile platform and has the same Qualcomm Quick Charge 4+ technology.
Qualcomm’s latest processor offers better Bluetooth 5 connectivity, as well as, enhanced carrier WiFi features, and ultra-fast LTE. When it comes to imaging, the Snapdragon 700 enables the Qualcomm Spectra ISP that allows you to capture memories in slow-motion or even in low light conditions. The AI engine makes faster processing so learning speech and voices plus capturing and sharing videos will be done in a breeze.
Expect the first Snapdragon 700-powered phones to be introduced during the first half of the year.
SOURCE: Qualcomm