Ever wanted to stream your music to multiple speakers all at once? I’m sure the thought has crossed your mind once or twice. The problem with Bluetooth streaming – that is, streaming whatever media is playing on your device to a dedicated Bluetooth headset or speaker – is that it is a one-to-one deal all of the time, which limits your streaming power to one receiver. Qualcomm’s new features for their AllPlay platform now involves WiFi re-streaming, which already sounds wonderful.
The new feature now involves WiFi on the Qualcomm AllPlay platform. This means that you can stream to your favorite Bluetooth audio device, and AllPlay is now able to re-stream your music over the WiFi network to AllPlay-enabled speakers – with your music all in sync. Of course, on the business side of things, you would also need AllPlay-enabled speakers. But think of the possibilities.
Think of a WiFi-connected home entertainment system – which most already have now – but with AllPlay capability. Think of being to get even line-in audio sources – like a CD player or a turntable – and be able to stream that audio all over the house via AllPlay speakers. It’s home entertainment magic, I tell you.
For now, only Japanese consumer electronics outfit Hitachi has come out and adopted Qualcomm’s new thingamajig. But pretty soon we’ll surely have a lot more options. What do you think?
SOURCE: Qualcomm