Blackberry has been easing itself into a newer and larger market, particularly with their first Android smartphone, the Priv. But even before that, they already had Android-related products like the Blackberry Messenger or BBM as it is more popularly known. Some are still loyal users, probably a carry over from when they had Blackberrys back in the day. But the app has also been continually adding new features to entice new users as well. The latest update brings privacy and control features and they’re now for free.
Previously, you had to pay $0.99 to be able to enjoy some of BBM’s more premier features. But if you update to the latest version, you will now be able to use them for free. You have the timed messages and photos which basically gives you ephemeral communication if you feel like it. You can also retract messages when you’ve mis-sent or when you want to take back something you said. You can also edit messages even when you’ve already sent them. And more importantly, you can now have private, encrypted messages as well.
Aside from the now free features, there are also other new features in this update. You can now forward messages from one chat to another, which is easier than just copy pasting. If you’re in a multi-person chat, you can mute notifications if you don’t want to be disturbed. The voice call quality has also been improved and of course, support for Marshmallow 6.0 has finally arrived.
You can update the BBM app for Android now or download it for free from the Google Play Store if you want to try it out.
VIA: Android Police