Pressy, the device that wants to make a home in your mobile device audio jack, just hit another stretch goal. This one, which made the deadline for all funding, will allow us to take screenshots and edit them.

Just by holding down on Pressy, we’ll be able to take and edit screenshots, letting us draw or write on top of any pic. The functionality happens in one long press, so there is no need to have a special app or mess with uploads and downloads. Just hold down Pressy, anotate the shot as you like, and let go. You’ll then have the ability to share it as you like, or just hang on to the screenshot.

This stretch goal comes just before their overall campaign wrapped up on Kickstarter. In seeking $40,000 originally, the team ended up with just shy of $700,000. While it’s no Ouya, it’s easily one of the most successful crowdsourced campaigns we’ve ever seen.

Pressy is already promising the ability to do all kinds of things, from unlocking your device to launching apps. The ability to long-press adds extra functionality, but could come in handy later on. As time passes, the team behind Pressy will undoubtedly add more features, and we’re excited to see what else is coming. With over 28,000 backers, Pressy definitely has a lot of eyes watching to see what they can do.



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