It’s not just the little monsters that are evolving. The Pokemon GO ecosystem has also been evolving throughout the years. We saw that during the early days of the pandemic when the Pokemon group adapted by bringing new features to make it easier to play indoors. More features have been added further together with more related games. We won’t forget the Pokemon GO Mega Evolution and the Reality Blending update plus the virtual Pokemon GO Fest. Sadly though, we also learned about Pokemon GO ending support for older Android phones.
The Pokemon team has also introduced Pokemon HOME. It is a special service that would allow players to gather their Pokemon collections from different sources in one location. Transfers may be done from different sources from Pokemon Let’s Go, Pokemon Sword and Shield (Switch), Pokemon Go (mobile), and Pokemon Bank (3DS).
This consolidation may be helpful to real Pokemon fans that have amassed a significant collection of Pokemon from different platforms. The Pokemon Company announced that integration will be available soon in Pokemon HOME. By soon we mean before the year 2020 is over.
Soon, you can move Pokemon from Pokemon GO to Pokemon HOME. The Pokemon can then be used on Pokemon Sword and Shield. Remember though that Pokemon moved to Pokemon HOME can’t be transferred to Pokemon GO.
When you finally transfer your Pokemon to Pokemon HOME, you will receive a mystery box within Pokemon GO. A Meltan will show up on the in-game map. Check Pokemon GO in Pokemon HOME. It will be ready soon so let’s wait and see.