Solitaire is the go-to simple but decent card game that you can play when you’re bored out of your skull but you don’t have anything to play with at the moment. But while it is still pretty interesting, don’t you think you’d have more excitement if there was blood and gore? Well, if that’s your style, then you can definitely play this new game now on Android called Card Crawl. It is both familiar and yet vastly different from the usual solitaire games that you play.

The goal is still to clear all 54 cards but instead of just pairing or arranging them by numbers, you get to use item cards to kill monsters and your enemies, while at the same time managing your inventory. Not a simple feat once you’re in the game. Card Crawl is actually a combination dungeon crawler with the solitaire style gameplay. You are given 5 ability-cards that you need to use wisely, and if you are able to collect enough gold, you can actually unlock 25 of these cards to help you get better scores and have new tactics.

The game has four different modes: normal, constructed, daily, and streak.You can also integrate your scores to the Google Play services so that you can see how you fare as compared to your friends who play the game. And while each game would only normally last around 2-3 minutes, you would sometimes have to undergo “tricky achievements” in order to get more points.

You can download Card Crawl from the Google Play Store for free. There are of course, in-app purchases available.


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