The fun and engaging app Pinterest has just been updated by their developers with many new improvements. A large part of the changes were to make the app easier to use, more social, and improve the groups and group management of Pinterest. The new update was detailed this week on their blog and today is available in the Play Store as version 1.3.2 as we speak. Read on for more details.
Pinterest’s app has been updated with an entire focus on the groups and boards. According to their blog it’s all about board contributors as well as groups you view and follow. For those unaware, it’s like the people you follow on Instagram, only for Pinterest. Now you can view all members adding and pinning to any board you’re a part of. Making the experience more friendly and social.
You can now leave group boards that you’ve already joined, something that oddly wasn’t available before on mobile. They’re slowly improving the mobile experience, and we’re sure no one will complain about that. You can also view, accept, or ignore group board invites right on your Android smartphone or tablet.
The update was actually released earlier this week on Thursday, but as of yesterday became available on the Amazon app store as well. Today they’ve issued a minor update as well for the new group board options, but no other new features or details were mentioned. Mainly just a bug fixing update. For all those Pinterest fans, get the latest and improved version from the link below.
[via Play Store]