Yes, that’s not a mistake you’re seeing. We really did mean to type Oreo and not Pie. While most people are excitedly talking about Android 9.0 Pie that started rolling out earlier this week, there are still some devices that are waiting for their smartphones to get the Android 8.0 Oreo update. Unfortunately, it looks like if you’re a Samsung mid-range or budget device, that will be further delayed to 2019 as reflected in the company’s official roadmap for Oreo.
Originally, the roadmap stated that the Oreo update should arrive for the eligible smartphones by December of this year. That was a month ago, Now if you look at their revised schedule, many if the devices will be receiving their update by early 2019. Some of the phones and tablets that will experience the delay are Galaxy C9 Pro, Galaxy C7 Pro, Galaxy A9 Pro, Galaxy J2 (2018), Galaxy Tab A (2017) and Galaxy On5 (2016). They are scheduled for January 2019.
Some of the devices like the Galaxy J7 Max and Galaxy J7 (2016) may even receive theirs by March 2019. The latter device is actually “lucky” to be included in an Oreo update since most budget phones only receive one major upgrade and it already was “promoted” to Nougat the year before. However, there’s a footnote that if the phone is found unsuitable to run the latest version then the update will not be given.
Now that Android Pie has started rolling out for Google devices, OEMs are going to be busy in the next few months trying to bring the major update to their respective devices as well. So we may probably expect either more delays or the good news, an earlier Oreo update. As Samsung says in their roadmap, things will change depending on the development and approval process.
You can check for yourself this Roadmap we’re talking about by going to the Samsung Members app, going to the hamburger menu and then tap on Notices. Things keep changing so better check on it every once in a while if you’re still waiting for that Oreo update.
VIA: SAM Mobile