If you don’t like blood, gore and a sick sense of humor, you might want to skip this news. Or at least read it, but don’t watch the video at the end. That’s because the newest ad promoting the OnePlus 5 could only have come from a weird mind with a penchant for 80s slasher flicks. But lest you think it’s just a surreal piece of ad, it also gives you a lot of information about the selling point of the flagship device, and that’s its “unrivaled” dual camera.

But you probably will not remember what they actually said about the smartphone’s camera because of all that blood. The ad starts out like any other 80s movie with a pretty girl reading in a cabin. We do not question why she’s in that cabin apparently alone. Suddenly we see a limping and seemingly deformed chainsaw wielding man come in from the forest and defying all the 80s cliche of the screaming coed, our girl brings out her smartphone and starts taking pictures.

In comes a handsome but bloody young man screaming that she must be out of her mind. Instead of asking for help though, he tells her she should be using a OnePlus 5 and then goes on and spouts all the features and advantages of the phone’s dual camera, all while the chainsaw wielding man is slowly coming up behind them. We won’t tell you how it all ends, but it involves more blood and a severed limb or two.

We don’t know if this ad will convince people to buy the OnePlus 5, but it does stand out from other smartphone ads. We’re not sure though if it’s in a good way. But hey, if capturing people’s attention is their intention, then they bloody well succeeded.


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