Nuance has announced something new today. The announcement is for Nuance Voice Ads which touts itself as an “innovative new mobile advertising format” and a game changer. The unique part here, while the Voice Ads name would imply that your smartphone would be shouting ads at you, this is actually a two-way conversation using the Nuance voice technology.
While Nuance has offered the announcement, at the moment it seems aimed more at those looking to advertise as opposed to the end user. That is just to say that Nuance has yet to say anything about when users may begin hearing such advertisements. That bit aside, Nuance Voice Ads will be able to take advantage of the features of your device.
Basically, Voice Ads will be able to take items such as location and awareness into consideration. In other words, you could get an advertisement based on where you happen to be at the moment. The key here is that it seems your phone will not start shouting at you, but instead present an ad and encourage you to speak. Hence, the two-way conversation portion.
Anyway, the folks at Nuance have offered the above video which details the process by using a fictional deodorant company and the magic 8-ball concept. Otherwise, while Nuance has said they have partnered with “many of the leading companies in the mobile advertising ecosystem” we still have no word as to when these advertisements may begin showing up.
[via SlashGear]
I hate being advertised to…if this thing starts taking up data, processor cycles, and starts making noise, which ever advertiser was stupid enough to opt for this will not only be getting an earful from me but will also never get my money