Mr. Blurrycam has made the rounds yet again, this time bringing new live photos of the Australian Agora Pro by Kogan. Why does it seem the leaked photos are always blurry for some reason? In this case lets hope that the photos are not doing the device justice.
From what we can see the Agora Pro is very, well, square. No other words come to mind when trying to describe the lack of dimension and design that we see in these photos. Work on the street is that we will be seeing this device on the floor at CES, which we will be vigilantly watching for Android-powered handsets.
If the Kogan Agora Pro does make it to the floor at CES this week we will have a complete first hands on right here on Android Community. Watch all this week as we bring anything Android related out of those booths on here on the front page.
[Via Engadget]