You waited, you yearned, you began to lose hope, but now to continue to string you along comes a glimmer of hope from our friends at the Federal Communications Commission. Many didn’t realize it would take this long for the 3G version of the Motorola XOOM to be eligible for its factory upgrade to blazing LTE. Whatever the mysterious hold-up was, it may disappearing as the FCC just approved the LTE upgraded version.
It’s a big day for XOOM owners. First WiFi XOOMs got the long overdue sd card support packed inside of the new 3.2 update, and now a spark of hope for Verizon XOOM owners. A lot of users were getting frustrated with or getting close to just giving up on the LTE upgrade for their Verizon XOOMs.
LTE is the fastest 4G tech we’ve seen, and Verizon’s brand of it is the fastest of the fastest. You can debate whether or not its really worth it to have mobile data on a tablet, I get by fine with my Galaxy Tab 10.1 being WiFi only, but if you’re gonna have data you might as well have the fastest.
The FCC filing shows us a picture of the LTE radio that will go in the unit as well as the letter that will accompany your tablet back from the factory. We know it may be hard to trust again XOOM owners but its LTE is around the bend!