Motorola has just pushed a new update to their exclusive Assist app, now hosted on Google Play Store, with an interesting highlight. Aside from bug fixes and improved driving detection, the update releases the talk-to-me feature from the confines of the car and brings it to your living room.

Motorola Assist might be a bit of a misnomer, conjuring up thoughts about accessibility features for less able users. However, this features is in fact more related to driving safety and contextual settings, turning certain options on or off when you are driving or in a meeting and giving users hands-free control over their Motorola smartphones.

One such hands-free feature is Talk To Me, which simply tells you, via voice feedback, the contents of a text message or who is calling, so that you can decide whether to take that call or not. That is definitely a feature that can be useful outside of a driving scenario, and that is what Motorola is doing in this update. When you’re at home, a place you can designate via Assist’s settings, caller names will be read out to you, and you can accept or reject calls using voice commands.

That is definitely a useful feature, but one that is unfortunately quite limited due to the fact that the Motorola Assist app is compatible only with the Moto X, Motorola DROID Ultra, DROID Mini, and DROID Maxx. While the Moto G does have the app available for it, some of the features, in particular Driving Mode, isn’t available and this new Home mode might likewise be unavailable due to hardware constraints.

Download: Motorola Assist on Google Play Store
SOURCE: +Motorola


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