While the really good calendar apps have become invaluable to our lives, there are times when what you want to do is just have a quick glance at a digital calendar without the bells and whistles. That’s what calendar widgets are basically for. Month: The Calendar Widget allows you to do just that and makes it easy on the eyes as well.
Month has over 70 different and beautiful gadgets and themes to allow you to prettify and organise your device’s home screen. You have widgets to view your calendar’s events or if you want to just look at your friends’ birthdays, there is also a widget for that. If you just want a quick glance at your agenda for the day, including meetings, birthdays and tasks, you can use the agenda widget. If you need to look at a calendar for the entire year, there is also a theme for that. Month even supports the lunar calendar, if some of your business or lifestyle concerns revolve around that.
The UI for this app is very simple and intuitive and it does not weigh heavily on your device’s memory. The app is free in itself and you can have around twenty themes for free, including Material and Google Now themes. There are more than 50 other themes that are available for purchase and there’s one where you can have all the available themes for sale in just one purchase. However, most of the other themes seem to be more about colors and some look a bit the same, so you can browse through them first before deciding on paying for them.
You can download Month: The Calendar Widget for free from the Google Play Store. They are offering all the packages at 60% off for a limited time so better buy them now when they’re more reasonably priced.