The Microsoft apps on your Android devices are actually more than decent and allows you to use your smartphone or tablet as an extension of your desktop/laptop, and sometimes, even a substitute if the latter isn’t available at the moment. They bring various updates almost every month and in this edition, you have minor improvements to the Word, Excel, and Powerpoint apps, and a major addition to Microsoft Outlook as well, to enhance your productivity even more.

Microsoft Outlook has been a surprise to a lot of Android users as it has become one of the best email apps available on the platform. Aside from letting you read your emails, it can also let you access your contacts and your calendar too, as long as your events were in your Outlook itself. But now the app will actually support third-party “calendar apps” and for the first round, it will now include your events in Wunderlist, Facebook, and Evernote. They will appear as all-day events but when the time is finished, you will see a check mark beside it.

As for the Microsoft Office apps, there are small updates for each, which can be significant enough for some users. All three how have Quick Access Commands so highlighted texts will have the Smart Lookup, cut, copy, paste options. For Excel, you now have the ability to open .csv files, which is actually pretty surprising that they didn’t have it yet. But you can only read the file and if you want to edit it, you need to save the file as .xlsx.

For Powerpoint, you now have the ability to format your text with subscript and superscript, as well as create columns of text to split a block into easy-to-read columns. As for the Word app, working with tables inside the files is now easier. You can now use touch controls to insert and resize the rows and columns. You can update all the apps though their respective Google Play pages.


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