We’ve read the studies and seen the PSAs saying that using your smartphone while driving is bad for your health and your actual existence. But we all know that it is really hard to not be connected, especially if you’re going on a long drive. Good thing some tech geniuses are hard at work in creating devices that can keep you safe and connected at the same time. One of those is on an IndieGoGo funding campaign. Let’s take a look at Exploride and whether this is something you would actually support.
You’ve seen futuristic movies where they had a transparent console in their cars to do their biddings. Well, if Exploride does get made (and it should since it’s reached its funding goal), then that will be science fiction no more. The heads-up transparent console lets you drive and not take your eyes off the road even as you use your maps, listen to music, make calls, and even send messages. It’s all voice and gesture controlled so no need to keep glancing at and touching your smartphone or the panel itself.
Exploride has a voice controlled navigation system powered by Google Maps and you can use it even without pairing it with a phone. But if you do want to listen to your music streaming services like Spotify, Pandora, then you need to connect your smartphone through Bluetooth. You can also record your trips with the dash-cam so in case of any untoward incident, you would have evidence (let’s just hope it’s pro-you). Even more awesome is the fact that your console is capable of 4G LTE connection, so you can use it as a wi-fi hotspot for your bored passengers. You can also download apps on it, like email, social networks, productivity apps, etc.
As we mentioned earlier, the project has actually reached its funding goal of $100,000 and has in fact tripled that goal already. And there are still 17 days left in the campaign. You need to give at least $269 to get the full set. Shipping is expected by January next year.
This is a crowdfunded project, and as such may not deliver what its creators initially promise. Most crowdfunding sites, like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, have policies about what happens to your money if the project fails to deliver on its goals, but choosing to back a project is inevitably a risk. Android Community’s reporting on crowdfunded projects should in no way be seen as an endorsement, unless specifically stated, and we recommend closely examining the terms and conditions to understand your individual rights as a backer before making a pledge.
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