Machinima started as a Youtube channel, that’s probably where you’ve heard of them first. Their main gag was using game videos, gameplay replays to make original movies, humor clips, music videos, and whatnot. Now they’re trying to get their content closer to users by making it available through an app – free to download via the Google Play Store.
Basically, the app allows for communities to be formed under Machinima’s proverbial roof. Fans check out images and videos uploaded by their favorite Machinima content creator, and even fans can now also create videos, upload images, memes, GIFs, to their community of choice. Sounds simple enough.
Except that with our first experiences with the app, it doesn’t feel as simple. Adding your own content should be easy enough – it isn’t. The general GUI is a tad bit confusing, and looking for a dedicated “settings” menu can be a bit frustrating.
That said, this was a personal experience, and you guys and gals might have a different one. If you’ve been a gaming and Machinima fan for the longest time, then this will feel like the logical next step. Pick up the app at the download link below. The Google Play entry says it contains IAPs, but we don’t know what those are at this point.
DOWNLOAD: Google Play Store
VIA: Droid Gamers