If you have some extra money to burn or if you think the already expensive Samsung Galaxy S8 is still too “cheap” for your standards, then you are probably looking to companies like Legend to make it even more of a luxury item. It has actually built a reputation in creating dazzled up versions of premium smartphones and the newly released flagship devices from Samsung are no exception. You will have your choice between 24K precious metals and an “exotic leather” version and both come with luxurious prices as well.

If you’re into precious metals, you will go for the 24K version where you have the choice from among three metals: gold, rose gold, and platinum. It will have VVS1-grade diamonds beside the gold at the back of the device and you can even add hand engraved words and gemstone settings. You can even enhance the Samsung logo with an enamel filling or a diamond halo, although who would actually want to do that, we don’t know.

But if you’re more the “exotic leather” type, you also have options: crocodile, lizard, ostrich, stingray, and shark. You even get to choose the color that you want. This variant will probably not go over well with conservationists and animal rights activists, so if you were looking to spend your money, we’ll suggest going with the 24K variants.

Purchasing either model will come with a certificate of authenticity, in case someone accuses you of having fake Legend versions of the Galaxy S8 or Galaxy S8+. The metal variant will cost you 2,790 euros while the exotic leather version is priced at 2,890 euros. Both are available on the Legend website.

VIA: SlashGear


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