It appears that the folks over at AT&T have leaked (or have had leaked from underneath them,) a roadmap which reveals details on specs as well as release dates for several code-named devices, at least a couple of which will be (or would have been) running Android. The first is a colorful customer we’ve gotten to know fairly well in other parts of the world, that being the HTC ChaCha – aka a QUERTY keyboard-toting 480×320 resolution portrait-mode phone with a physical Facebook button.
This HTC ChaCha device was revealed at Mobile World Congress 2011 to an astounded public, people running with their shirts off and claws clamping cameras on the showroom floor. This device is set to be running Android 2.3.3 Gingerbread when it’s released and it’s set to be released by the second quarter of 2011. That means very soon! Can’t wait to see how well it fairs against the rest of the Facebook phones coming out soon. — Also note that this device appears on the list as HTC lele (cute!)
Then there’s the HTC Hydra A5253. What in the world is that? That’s a code-name for the HTC Paradise, a rather bright device we saw leaked more than once all the way back as far as last summer (2010.) Thing is here, the device is marked with a rather ominous “cancelled?” which more than likely means… that it’s cancelled. Bummer!
[via PocketNow]
These gotta be the fugliest looking devices of 2011.
Isn’t that “landscape-mode” on the ChaCha? Most phones are portrait, i.e. taller than wide.