From time to time, you do get the odd let’s-try-something-new game from Japanese game developers Kemco – and this new RPG called “Tears Revolude” will certainly fall under that category. We don’t get knights and dragons and fighters and wizards at the onset, we get a guy trying to find lost art. While that may not be to strange or even too common, it sure piques our interest as to what the game has in store for this “lost art” guy.
Tears Revolude will also introduce a character named Liara, who is curiously, a woman who has no memories. When your main character (lost art guy) meets Liara, everything is changed and the game also turns into a search for her memories. We can’t really give anything more than this as it spoils the game for you – but then, the very fact that Kemco threw us a curved ball with this new RPG should at the very least make your gaming interest go up a few levels.
The gameplay gives you a fresh approach from Kemco – a top-down isometric view of maps but keeping battles in 3D mode, a sort of mashup of new and old school views of RPGs. The maps also show you where the monsters are, which gives you a choice of whether to engage them or not. That means your gaining of experience versus moving forward in the map is completely in your hands. Doesn’t that feel better than completely random battles?
The RPG is a premium app but is on a sale price of USD$3.99 while on its launch period. It will be full price (USD$7.99) soon, so you better pick it up at the download link below soon. The game, even at pay to play rates, still has IAPs, although those are not needed to finish the game.
DOWNLOAD: Google Play Store