A new month is upon us. Actually, the beginning of July is always a reminder that we’re now in the second half of the year. H1 happened so fast and Google still keeps its promises to release regular monthly software updates. The July Android Security Bulletin is out for Pixel phones and the Essential Phone. As with most related updates, this includes information on the security vulnerabilities plus the 2019-07-05 security patch level. This July update is ready for most Android partners but the Pixel phones and the Essential Phone got the first dibs.
The source code patches will be ready on the AOSP repository (Android Open Source Project). Links will be provided about the Android security updates HERE so check the page from time to time. The patches should be ready anytime soon so make sure you are connected to a reliable network.
This July update will fix a Media framework security vulnerability. It must be fixed because it could allow an attacker to remotely enable features or execute arbitrary code. Good thing there are no reports of active abuse or customer exploitation yet but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Android platform security improvements are detailed on the Android and Google Play Protect mitigations section. Read on if you wish to see them. We have had no reports of active customer exploitation or abuse of these newly reported issues.
For the Pixel phones, the Pixel Update Bulletin is also out. It’s basically the same but with functional improvements for some affected Google Pixel devices. On your Pixel phone, see if the 2019-07-05 security patch levels are already listed under Android version.
Open Market customers can update their Essential Phones with the latest patch level. It’s already based on Android 9.0 Pie. This means it’s upgraded with the latest features, enhancements, and protections.