Bank ING have announced a free app for Android-based handsets, which helps users locate their nearest ATM. The software, ING Wegwijzer (“ING Signpost”), takes advantage not only of the T-Mobile G1’s GPS functionality but also its digital compass, presenting directions to the closest cash-machine overlaid onto a real-time view of their surroundings.
It’s similar in concept to Lastminute’s nru app, which highlights activities such as galleries, cinemas, bars and restaurants. Both apps offer a form of augmented-reality, where internet data is combined with real-time information from around the user; by holding the G1 up as if taking a photo and then turning around, the software keeps the information positioned appropriately. Another example is the Wikitude AR Travel Guide, also available for the G1.
Unfortunately the service is only available in the Netherlands at present, meaning those outside the country will have a long walk to whichever ATM the app flags up. Still, it’s great to see a well-known company pick up on Android’s capabilities and promote software for it, something we’ll hopefully see even more of in other regions.
[via Springwise]