Lately, we’ve seen 50-in-1 (okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration) things like jackets, pants, necklaces, etc, as our expectations of what wearable devices should be have been constantly changing and upgrading. A new IndieGoGo project called the iBackPack looks bulky and maybe not that fashionable (which they will attempt to solve), but when you find out what it can do, you might be willing to take it anywhere you go.
It’s hard to explain what the main function of this backpack is as it can do so many things for your and your devices. It can be your personal Wi-Fi hotspot as they struck discounted deals with AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Time Warner Cable to be able to give you and your backpack the web connectivity you need. And since you have WiFi, you’ll eventually run out of juice from the constant browsing and surfing. But iBackPack has a solution for that as it has battery banks of up to 40,000 mAh inside that can charge 6 tablets from scratch. It has 4 USB ports, a retractable power cord and a universal wall charger so it’s a charging party for everyone.
And if you suddenly feel like you need to blast out your music, the bag also has a Bluetooth-enabled speaker system to share the beats with everyone around you. The bag itself is weatherproof and has a durable design to protect all the gadgets that are probably inside. And speaking of protection, in case you lose your bag for one reason or another, it has a GPS Tracking System and Proximity Locator. And if you see that someone is trying to steal your bag, you can turn on the Alarm and a siren will blare (loudly, we hope).
It looks like a lot of people really want the iBackPack. It raised $270k in just 12 days and was funded by more than a thousand people. And there are still 46 days left in the campaign. You just need to pay $199, which is $100 cheaper than the expected retail price. Oh, and to make the iBackPack more funky and fashionable, they’re also holding a design contest and the best designs will actually be used.
SOURCE: Kickstarter
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