Google has detailed the latest changes for Hotel Finder. Similar to what we have seen with other sites, it has been refreshed for mobile devices. Or in other words, gone are the days of feeling the need to get to a regular computer and browser to begin planning your next vacation (or business trip).
The Hotel Finder site can be found at and courtesy of the new mobile-friendly design, those visiting will have plenty of options to filter results and more. The filter options include price and hotel class as well as user rating and distance. Those visiting will also be able to dive into a specific hotel to check images and learn about the amenities.
User reviews will also be available for browsing. The same hotel information page will also show the location on a map and allow you to save hotels to a short list for later comparison. That last bit can be done by tapping the star. Once you find the hotel you have been looking for, the booking process should be just as mobile-friendly.
Google mentioned that users should be able to complete the reservation with just a few clicks. This involves tapping the “Buy with Google” icon and connecting with your Wallet account. And for those that have yet to create a Wallet account, or for those with a Wallet account that is not quite filled out, you can enter and save those details while booking your first hotel.
For now Google has said the Hotel Finder option on smartphones is available in more than 100 countries around the world. The Google Wallet booking feature, that is still limited to those in the US market.
SOURCE: Google Commerce Blog