While Google+ still hasn’t taken the world by storm, it is still there and has a very loyal base of users and Google is determined to make it stay. And improvements are being made with every update, hoping that it will get more active users into its net. The web browser version of the social network is receiving an update, and Googler Luke Wroblewski shares what the changes will be in the Preview version.
If you’re ashamed of the things you search for in Google+, then you might want to constantly clear your searches because of this new feature. Your recent searches will show up when you’re searching for something as a list of suggestions, in case you might have forgotten that you looked for that thing already. But of course if you want to protect your privacy, you can clear your searches by going to the settings.
In a previous update, you could actually stick posts at the top of your profile already, in case that post is pretty important for you. However, you could only have one and it is part of your main profile. But now, you can pin one post each in your collections, communities, and profiles. You will also now be able to follow specific collections and share them on your network through their post embeds.
There is the usual bug fixes and improvements that come with every update. You will be able to see all these changes in the Preview web version of Google+. No news yet on when we will see these in the Android app version.
SOURCE: +Luke Wroblewski
What I think Google plus has it going is Google Hangouts and that’s what makes it different from Facebook. Which is why I think Google plus, given the right time, could mount a challenge to Facebook.